作者sogaa (soda)看板Rent_apart標題[無/高雄/三民鳥松]2+1房兩廳兩衛 璟文山社區時間Sat Sep 21 23:00:32 2024 條件限制:婉拒有抽菸/寵物/檳榔/燒香拜拜的住戶 @預約賞屋會需麻煩請先提供穩定工作證明及入住成員資訊@ 房屋類別:大樓含車位(機械車位) 租屋地址:高雄市鳥松區清華街(近文山特區) 租屋樓層:所在樓層2(非管線轉折層)/總樓層12 格 局:2+1房 /2 廳 /2 衛 /1 廚 /1 陽台 (每間房間皆有對外窗,每間衛浴都開窗) 坪 數:權狀坪數39.6坪,室內使用坪數21.5坪 每月租金:24,000/月 (含1機械車位及1機車位),管理費:3,693/月(含汽機車 位維修保養費及環保室清潔費) 水電瓦斯費用:皆依當期帳單繳納費用 租屋押金:2個月 公共設施:健身房,頂樓賞景曬衣區(可眺望澄清湖),多功能休閒閱讀區 提供設備:全新床組及餐桌;節電冰箱/冷氣/洗衣機;電視,電視桌, 書桌,衣櫃((該屋為阿姨2024/02月購入,前屋主為香港人,少在台灣居住,故屋況幾近 全新,少有使用痕跡;屋主阿姨原欲自住,所以家具都是買自己喜歡的,但因家庭因素 需要出國,忍痛割愛) 聯 絡 人:陳先生(代理人,非仲介) (目前帶看以週五到周日為主,謝謝) 聯絡方式:請寄站內信或來電0905-484121 照片連結:(無附上照片,將依照板規10,直接刪文處理!) https://imgur.com/SWZuVbI https://imgur.com/4w23rLD https://imgur.com/04bVwd2 https://imgur.com/r5KRWV6 https://imgur.com/PShSUTi https://imgur.com/unR4BZr https://imgur.com/HOFD9qZ https://imgur.com/sUSGql6 https://imgur.com/2MNA7nh https://imgur.com/6LyRDtN https://imgur.com/oM60BoJ https://imgur.com/K8ksEdY https://imgur.com/GgFLwaC https://imgur.com/iW9FZyd https://imgur.com/N1akmsI https://imgur.com/D62HLBI https://imgur.com/HO07n3d https://imgur.com/8NfRGcJ 環境交通: 1. 交通:車行5分鐘上九如交流道,步行3分鐘至公車站,未來高捷黃線Y16/17預定 站步行5分鐘 2. 購物: 近陽明傳統市場,澄清路家樂福,採買便利 3. 綠地: 公園綠地多,散步運動好方便 4. 學區及區域環境: 雙語學區:大華國小/文山高中國中部;近澄清湖,圓山飯店,長庚 醫 科大,優質地段,就學,就醫,就業皆方便,住民素質高 備 註: @優質大樓,值得擁有:輕屋齡,全棟軟水,獨立排水全社區僅69戶,具環保室+健身房, 24小時保全飯店式管理 @房間新穎,家具俱全:坐東北朝西南,客廳主臥採光極佳,面中庭綠景及水池讓您事業風 生水起。所有家具皆為屋主自行挑選原欲自用,品質佳。 @2+1房,運用彈性:現為2房+1彈性書房,空間運用彈性;兩間衛浴皆有開窗,主衛浴附浴 缸 @正修科大/長庚醫院員工,另有優惠 Wenshan special District,near Sanmin and Chengching commercial areas Directpipeline to the basement, no pipeline turns for the second floor @Newer construction (only 9yr), whole building equipped with softwater system, independent drainage system, only 69 units in the community, with a recycling room and gym. 24-hour hotel-style security management. @The living roomand master bedroom have excellent natural light, overlooking a courtyard withgreenery and a pond. All furniture was carefully selected by the owner, who originally intended to live here, so thequality is high, including brand-new bedding and dining table. @Includes one mechanical parking spot and oneflat scooter parking spot. Regular-sized SUVs can be parked without issues. @5 minutes by car to Jiuru Interchange,3-minute walk to the bus stop, and 5-minute walk to the future Kaohsiung MRT Yellow Line Y16/Y17 stations. We kindly decline clients who smoke, have pets, or chew betel nut. ◆PRICE:Rent-NT$24,000/permonth ◆Management fee:NT$3,693/per month, including fee for mechanical parkingspace, scooter parking, and recycling room ◆Bedrooms:2,Living room:1,Bathrooms:2,Balcony:1 ◆Floor:2 ◆Property Size:131 m2 (approx) ◆Indoor Size:72 m2(approx) ◆Date of comple:2015/09 愛 除了自身別無所欲 也別無所求 愛 不佔有也不被佔有 因為 在愛裏一切都足夠 紀伯倫 先知