屋主自租,免仲介費!請以手機簡訊優先聯繫預約看房🙏重金百萬裝潢、格局方正、雙衛浴有窗、採光明亮、主臥窗外綠蔭怡人、歐洲學校絕佳環境、生活機能無敵緩步2分鐘走進7-11散步3分鐘到芝山捷運站漫步5分鐘到河濱公園悠晃8分鐘逛家樂福、SOGO過一段馬路就到台灣戲曲中心、Ubike站、公車站牌,藝文氣息濃厚,生活環境極優、交通超便利臨歐洲學校、法官學院,生活水準高,近SOGO及家樂福商圈,生活機能超好,超商藥妝美食飲料一應俱全近忠誠公園,各式咖啡廳美食餐廳應有盡有,明星學區文昌國小、明德國中屋主極重視生活品質與衛生安全:三房、餐廳、廚房皆使用高級訂製系統櫃全室木地板,易維護清潔兩套乾濕分離衛浴,馬桶、小便斗皆為TOTO、IKEA洗手台、兩間浴室都有五合一暖風機、也都有窗戶每個空間皆有直流吊扇燈(附遙控器)、軌道燈窗戶皆為氣密窗、窗外都有白鐵盆栽鐵架可種植栽屋內共四台冷氣(客廳一台全新安裝,冷暖國際牌夠吹全戶)陽台採光超棒、曬衣時窗外綠蔭盡收眼底。附水槽,西晒晾衣服超快乾!室內水管和電線皆重新拉過室外水管也從水塔重新拉過,並加裝加壓馬達頂樓水塔定期清洗、公用馬達110年新安裝主臥非常寬敞,有兩個高級系統衣櫃之外,窗邊也有訂製臥榻,收納空間超大,窗外夏季綠蔭迷人,變葉木會隨季節轉換顏色極美系統櫃至天花板之間的空間皆設計隱藏收納櫃,收納零煩惱、不積灰Sunny and Stylish apartment for rent near TES, TAS, MRT Zhishan🏠3-bedroom Apartment near TES, TAS, MRT Zhishan MRT Shilin📍140 meters away from 7-11📍200 meters away from MRT Zhishan📍230 meters away from TES📍600 meters away from Carrefour Tianmu Store📍650 meters away from SOGO Tianmu Department Store📍2km away from TAS✅The property:Located on the 2th floor without elevator, a modern and stylish apartment full of sunshine3 bedrooms , 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 2 bathrooms and 1 sunny balconyRecently renovated with high quality materialsModern and industrial style decor in each space✅The Utilities / Accommodations:Air conditioners available in each room; altogether 4pcs of A/C in this apartmentBrand-new Panasonic air conditioner with heater (econovi nanoX), newly installed in the living roomStylish light-wood floorStylish Ceiling fans with lights (remote control) available in all 3 bedrooms and living roomTrack/Rail lightings in all spacesAirtight windows in all roomsStainless steel plant shelf rack outside windows 🪴Well-equipped kitchen with system cabinetHigh-end System cabinet/wardrobe with plenty of storage space in all 3 rooms and dining areaTOTO toilets and urinal, IKEA washbasins, Alaska ventilation fans(cooling/drying/heating/air -exchange), separate shower, mirrors and windows available in both bathroomsPiped propane/natural gas (天然瓦斯) availableIndividual electricity and water meter (pay by actual bill)Brand new plumbing, wiring and booster bump is availableIf Wi-Fi and TV cable are needed, we can help install and you pay by billNo management feeGarbage/waste disposal site just 180 meters away (1-2 mins walk), it’s really a big plus as you don’t need to spend time waiting for a garbage truck at fixed time✅ NT$49,000/month, utilities not included✅ 2 month deposit, 12-month lease at least✅ Pets are allowed🚫NO SMOKING, and NO SUBLEASE ! 🚫✅ Availability: Mid of Feb, 2025